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25 Via Guglielmo Marconi
Limbiate, Lombardia, 20812

+39 02 99051790

Cliven: cosmetics made in Italy since 1958

Intimate Hygiene

INTIMO Soothing Personal Hygiene Wash, 300 ml

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Coming Soon

INTIMO Soothing Personal Hygiene Wash, 300 ml


Ultra delicate and emollient

INTIMO SOOTHING PERSONAL HYGIENE WASH is specially suitable in case of poor natural hydration or dryness of the vulvar mucosae because of stress, natural hormonal changes or alterations caused by the pill, during the period and in menopause. 

INTIMO SOOTHING WASH is enriched with Helichrysum extract, that soothes and gives a sense of wellbeing to the intimate parts, and Olive oil with dermoprotective, emollient properties.

INTIMO SOOTHING WASH has physiological pH and takes care of your personal hygiene in a natural way, delicately and completely.

INTIMO SOOTHING WASH undergoes strict clinical tests in order to guarantee its deodorant action as well as its tolerability and compatibility with your intimate parts.

Thanks to the delicacy of its formula, INTIMO SOOTHING WASH can be used several times during the day.

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