7 Vitamins Shampoo No Dandruff — Cliven
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7 Vitamins Shampoo No Dandruff

7 Vitamins Shampoo No Dandruff

Vital energy for your hair


The 7-Vitamin Shampoo ''No Dandruff'' is an efficient solution to embarrassing dandruff.
The 7 Vitamins (hepta-vitamin complex with PP, H, E, Pro-vitamin B5, B6, C, F) contained in the shampoo act in synergy and penetrate into the hair to strengthen it from its very root. This complex makes your hair stronger and more vibrant day by day and leaves it healthy and shiny

Action 1: Cleansing
It gently removes dandruff without weakening your hair.

Action 2: Strengthening 
The 7 Vitamins act in depth and directly integrate the natural vitamin supply.

Action 3: Anti-dandruff
A specific active principle combats the cause of dandruff and, in particular, it prevents the growth of the main microorganism that causes itching and flaking of the scalp.  

The 7-Vitamin Shampoo ''No Dandruff'' provides a triple action that encourages dandruff removal. If used regularly, it prevents its reappearance and restores health and vitality to your hair.


200 ml


Enjoy the full line: 7 Vitamins Hair Line

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